assorted frozen veggies (we like corn and green beans)
veggie stock
premade pie crust (from the refrigerated section)
Oven: Set to the temperature according to the directions for the pie crust. Ours was 420 for 15-20 minutes.
Chop up your veggies and saute them a little bit. You don't want them completely cooked because they'll be going in the oven for a bit. So just until the potatoes start to get soft. We added some Italian spices for taste and just a pinch of salt because the veggie stock will add more salty flavor later.
Add enough veggie stock to cover most of the veggies. Then add the frozen veggies to warm them up. Let them simmer for about 5-7 minutes. You may need to add a tablespoon or two of flour or cornstarch to thicken the veggie stock.
Lay out one pie crust on the bottom of your baking pan or pie pan. We like our pot pie stuffed full, so we used a deep, square brownie pan. Pour in the veggie mixture! Mmmm. Put the second pie crust on top and tuck the edges in as best you can to keep the gooey stuff from seeping out while baking. Cut some decorative slits in the top to keep everything from exploding in the oven. We also put tin foil around the edges to keep the edges of the crust from burning.
Put it in the oven according to the baking directions for your pie crust. Ours was 15 minutes at 420 degrees. We removed the tin foil from the edges about 5 minutes before pulling it out of the oven.
There you have it! A lovely comfort food for any season, but best appreciated on a wet and rainy day to warm the soul. Hmmm....